Diva Design Diary

By Holly Peterson

Diva Design Diary is about bringing the latest interior design trends and tips to our existing clients, as well as future clients...enjoy!

Got Cell Phones?

By Holly Peterson

HOW TO: Recycle Cell Phones

INFORM is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to educating the public about the effects of human activity on the environment and on public health. Their mission is to empower citizens, businesses and governments to adopt practices and policies that will help sustain our planet for future generations.

INFORM has been actively working since 1973 on many reports that have influenced governments and corporations in the way they conduct business and more importantly, their efforts make a difference:

INFORM had a national impact on key environmental issues, such as chemical hazard prevention, solid waste prevention, and sustainable transportation.

In 2007, following a leadership change, INFORM's board and staff decided to pursue a more contemporary approach to their historic mission of disseminating information to catalyze change. The new INFORM is building on its distinguished research legacy by using visual media to broaden the audience to include the general public.

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