Diva Design Diary

By Holly Peterson

Diva Design Diary is about bringing the latest interior design trends and tips to our existing clients, as well as future clients...enjoy!

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2010

By Holly Peterson

Every February, the very best new Nordic furniture designs debut at the Stockholm Furniture Fair and the Northern Light Fair. The two events are held together in the 630,000-square-foot Stockholm International Fairs center, attracting more than 36,000 people to the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden. In addition to being the world’s largest arena for Scandinavian design, its appearance early in the year makes it the ideal spot to preview trends that we can expect to see more of months down the road in Milan and New York. Contributing blogger Tiffany Orvet has pulled together what she considers to be the best of the best from this year.
(Featured in Dwell)

(My personal favorite! ♥)

With Love,
Your Norwegian Designer

...Maybe that's why I love Scandinavian design so much?!

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