Diva Design Diary

By Holly Peterson

Diva Design Diary is about bringing the latest interior design trends and tips to our existing clients, as well as future clients...enjoy!

A Recycle Program That Makes Sense

By Holly Peterson

For those of you who need a little incentive to recycle... RecycleBank launched April 5th in Los Angeles, paying cash to single-family homes with extra goods to dispose of. One of the advantages of the program is that it requires no extra bins or effort: RecycleBank simply outfits your existing bins with a special ID tag. When the bins are weighed each time they are collected, the family accrues points which can be redeemed at local retail outlets (encouraging local commerce!). RecycleBank has already had success with the program in over 1000 commercial locations. The company hopes to roll out the program to over 700,000 families in the Los Angeles, in the next year. Read all the details on the RecycleBank website.

I think this may be the a best approach to a recycle program, that we have seen so far!
Keep up the great work RecycleBank!
Hoping that San Diego will catch on soon...

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